We all know those lucky or some would say blessed couples
that have been married twenty, thirty, forty even fifty years. Their lives have not always been easy, but
there was a special magic that held them together. Alas, I am not one of them,
but not for the lack of trying. The fact
is I have been married 4 times for a total of 28 years. The magic was never
Born with a heart the size of Texas, i t has been broken
more times than I can count. Always
listening with my heart, and ignoring the “wiser” council from my head, has
left me settling for less than I truly wanted.
Don’t get me wrong, there have
been many happy years and lots of love shared.
However the deeper, enduring, forever kind of love has always been
elusive and the magic was not to be found.
The good news…those scenes are only imagined. Will I allow the sunshine of hope to burn away the fog of despair? Slowly, ever so gradually, my heart warms, and I see once again the blank pages of my future. I realize they are yet mine to write. Stepping boldly forward I try once again. Gathering strength of will and a determination born of despair, my quest for the magic begins anew.
A Common Slice has moved to: http://acommonslice3.blogspot.com/
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